Its Its true that during valentines day there is always undue
pressure to all ladies who are singles or those who have men who don’t
care or care less about the valentines day.The
lucky ladies who are in relationship with men who care more about the day
always receive roses and other type of
flowers from their men who feel they are
special people in their lives.They are treated with dinner and a day of out the
whole day enjoying together and they feel cosy with their mens.
most men are not always under pressure of valentines unless they are pressured
to do so.They feel it’s a day like any other and most spend the whole day at
home watching movie and going around with their business.Some women are know to
resort to what I call desperate measures on the valentines day.
I will reveal some of these measures that are resorted to by lonely ladies.
1. They start online dating
As the February 14 day nears, a day of love,In Nairobi,ladies who are single start changing
their profile pics in the social media and other s search for online dating
sites where they can find their life partners.The fact that valentine is the
day of love all the dating sites are full of users and ladies dream that they
could be part of the couples going out for movies or going to restaurants to
enjoy.A certain college student says that she has been hooked up on Badoo
social site and she has a date this valentines day. She reveals that she has
never had a date on this valentines day and this is a lucky one because she has
a partner who they will e together with.The man is from Tanzania and
she will join her in Kenya for a good day out.
Also the Unlucky ones have a chance to have a
date on Valentines day.Event Organisers
are know organising singles party where they can mingle and have fun and
probably meet special people in their lifes.

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