WHAT IS NEW IN PHP5? | Kenya Posts

After the successful launching of PHP4 and PHP3, PHP5 has now been introduced  which has been made to make php5 more powerful. I will start this article with words from a great programmer who said ”The best way to be ready for future is by inventing it”.
PHP5 has come with new features of object oriented programming. I am going to share them in some of the code samples that I am going to write here.
For examples check out this code:
class Dog
var name;

function  getDogName()

return $this->name;
function setDogName($name)

function Dog($name)

function changeDogName($Dog,$name)

$dog=new Dog("Toti");

print $dog->getDogName();

PHP5 has really diversified programming.The object oriented features that have been added  enables PHP programmers to create very robustic programs that can be developed within a short period of time. Collaboration also between programmers has been made easy as different group of programmers can now work on one application and be able to develop it as they integrate modules  that have been developed separately.
I personally I prefer PHp because of the idea that it’s a open source and there are several forums that provide ideas on how to program using php.Of late I have been working with a certain developer in India who is guiding me on how in  can customize my website to integrate chat system.
Php has developed some of the world popular applications that are taking the world by storm like facebook.Facebook is a very scalable and robustic application that allow its billion users to be online.Facebook has no downtime and its clear that   the site administrators have invested heavily on server infrastructure to ensure no  downtime of the application.
PHp5  is now the new language to watch.Try to learn ins and outs of this great advancement of php language.Most web developers comprise of php developers.Its a very popular language due to the fact that it’s a open source.

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