Have you ever
heartbroken somebody? Have you ever had heartbreak?
Heart breaks sometimes can be very stressing and can really hurt you forever in
yourself especially if it’s a heart break from somebody you love and was your
first love and your are at the tender age of early 20’s when you are still young in the world of love.
Its this high school girl or boy you met in the games, you falled in lover with
her or him at the first sight and you feel like nothing can happen without him
or her,you feel like you should see him or her all the times,you wish he could
know how you fill for him or her.You are always day dreaming about how you can
live together,have a nice couple,get six figure job,start driving and have a bungalow in the city. All about affluent life with your
love of life. This is just a dream and reality is yet to knock at your door as
you daydream and night dream about your
It’s the high time you
should realize that 99% person of people who fall in love they end up in a ugly
heart break and the ones you love don’t love you but the ones you care less
about are always thinking about you. Don’t ever love someone and forget even to
love yourself. Spare some love for yourself and feel proud of yourself. Loving
yourself helps you in being ready for any heartbreak and this will enable you
to be able to cope up with the situation that may not be easy for you at the
first time. If you spare some love for yourself you will not feel the
Face the heartbreak with
courage. Avoid seeing your love after the heartbreak nor should you call her or
him. Avoid situations that may bring you together and this will show to her or
him that you are not desperate. Concentrate on what add values to your life
especially making money or even working hard in your studies.
After heartbreak always
avoid friends of the opposite sex because you may end up falling in love with
them because of desperation and the feeling of making your partner jealous of yourself.
Jumping in a relationship after a heartbreak will lead to another ugly
heartbreak and the relationship will not last long because its based on desperation.
Take time,eat well and play games or go to the gym during your free time. This
will help you forget your lost love.

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