Western police boss Mr Ombati has confirmed the arrest and he says that the lady will help in doing further investigation that will help them raid and capture the terror cell that exists around the this lady.”I thank people of Vihiga for the tip off they gave us that led the arrest of this lady who was carrying explosives.She was ready to cause death in our beloved country.We will do further investigation and reveal the names of the terror cell that may exist in this county.”said Ombati.
Mr Ombati also urged the residents not to view terrorism as North Easter affair and Nairobi.”These terrorist are just a dying horse and they will strike anywhere they can just to kill and cause pain among Kenyans people.I urge you all to be vigilant and report any suspicious person around your vicinity ”added Ombati.
The arrest comes after Government froze several accounts and close several money transfers that could be aiding terrorists activities in Kenya.
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