Top 10 Best fat burning activities | Kenya Posts

4. Gardening

fat burning activities gardening

Do you enjoy doing gardening,digging,weeding,lifting or squatting.These activities can help you loose  200 to 300 calories in just a few minutes like 30.Find time in your busy week and do some gardening  because you will not only burn fat but also enjoy the beautiful nature.
Doing gardening oftenly will help you reduce risks of getting heart attack diseases  and also lower blood pressure.

See Also:

how to burn fat while swimming

Swimming is another fat burning activity that can help you burn a lot of calories.The calories burned depends on intensity,length and your body weight and also number of minutes spent swimming.
10 minutes of swimming can burn up to 30 calories of fat.Swimming also helps to reduce stress ,strengthen muscles and tone the whole body. At least try to swim 30 minutes on daily basis.

6. Yoga

how to perform yoga

One can maintain perfect body weight by performing three main yoga poses apart from burning  calories. Performing yoga  at a  speed of 15  -20 minutes on daily basis can help alot in metabolism  and reducing stress,improve sleep etc.
Yoga also helps your body use more oxygen  which  makes more nutrients to reach all parts of your body.

7. Playing with your Pet

playing with pet exercise

Those who are pet lovers can also keep fit with their pets.Doing morning or evening jog with your body can help to keep  your dog and you fit and burn a lot of fat.Apart from food you provide for the dog,exercise is very important.
Spend time with your pet playing in the park.This will relax you, reduce stress  and lower blood pressure.

8. Skipping or Jumping Rope

skipping rope exercise

Rope skipping is one of the best activities that you should not look down upon when  you want to burn fat.Rope skipping can be done everywhere,outdoor or indoor in your house.You just need a skipping rope and you are good to go.
Skipping or jumping a rope for  at-least 10 or 5 minutes daily can help you loose that fat and trim your belly.
Amount of calories burned every minute you complete skipping a rope is 11 calories. Skipping rope also help in achieving that perfect butt.Start skipping rope today and burn that fat.

9. Household Chores

cleaning the house exercise

Do you know that spending time doing house chores like washing dishes,vacuuming the house,cleaning floors or sweeping can help you burn fat.Although they may not seem strenuous,these activities can help you keep fit.

10. Enjoying Outdoor Sports


There are several outdoor activities that can help you burn fat.Climbing mountain,skateboarding,hiking ,tennis,badminton or horse riding are among the top best activities that can help you loose that fat.
The amount of calories burnt depends on the pace and time you spent doing these activities.

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