Top 10 Best fat burning activities | Kenya Posts

Best fat burning activities actually don't seem like exercises.They seem simple but the number of calories burned during these activities is huge.
Doing exercise regularly makes one feel healthy but some find it hard to hit the gym  due to their busy schedules or the types of the jobs they do.I personally ,A blogger i rarely go to the gym but sometimes i do manage.
I usually do House workouts  like skipping a rope and other simple work outs that tone abdomen muscles.
Burning fat is very important. Its helps you to prevent diseases like heart attack,high blood pressure,strokes etc.Its also helps to  ease depression and prevent becoming obese(excess fat in the body).
There are several activities that one can do at home to burn fat and also keep fit

Best fat burning activities.

Below image summarizes top 10 Best fat burning activities.
Top 10 Best fat burning activities

1.  Cycling

fat burning activities cycling

Cycling  is one of the best recreational activity that can be done for fun when exploring the environment around you.
Cycle around the mountains in your neighborhood and valleys because you will not only be exploring the environment but working out  on your body.
Cycling helps in reducing belly fat and toning lower part of your body muscles.
Also cycling makes one to breath faster and harder  so that the lungs can get enough oxygen to increase the metabolism.


fat burning activities dancing

There are several dancing forms the can help you burn a few calories.Common  dancing forms are salsa,rumba,belly dancing ,hip-hop etc.
Dancing helps in lowering heart rate.Other Importance of dancing is that it helps in relieving stress.
Daily dancing can help you loose weight and keep fit.

3.Walking and Jogging

fat burning activities walking

Walking or jogging is one of the Best fat  burning activity  that can be done in your neighborhood.
When free,try to jog around your neighborhood. This help you reduce risks of heart diseases, breast cancer etc.
Instead of using the lift,take the stairs.Jogging also helps one to interact with neighbors that improving relationship with others.Jogging can also help to shape your butt.See more tips on shaping your butt here.

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