10 Remedies for Back Ache | Kenya Posts

 6. Wheat

Components contained in wheat can be used to minimize pain because they produce analgesic effect.
How to use Wheat to relieve pain
1.Add some handful of wheat on water and soak overnight
2.The next  day,add cuscus grass powder and coriander,one cup of milk and boil for few minutes.
3.Drink the concoction on daily basis.

7. Ice Packs

Ice packs can be used to relieve pain and swelling.You just need to wrap up a crushed ice with plastic bag with towel.Put the compressed on affected area.Do this repeatedly.
8. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt can be used to relieve pain and inflamation on the body.
 How to use Epso Salt to relieve pain.
Add  hot water to Epsom salt   to make a thick paste.Soak the towel and put it near the affected area.Heat from the towel will reduce the pain.
9. Chamomile Tea
Tense muscles tissues can be relaxed with a cup of hot chamomile tea.Tense muscles causes backache .

See aso:

How to use  Chamomile Tea to relieve pain
  1. Get warm  water and add at least one tablespoon of chamomile flowers  and let the content cool.
  2. Only daily basis drink atleast 3 cups.
10. Milk
Milk contains calcium ingredients that is very important for healthy bones and muscles.Backaches can be alleviated by taking enough amount of calcium.Drink milk daily and you may as well add some honey to make it sweeter.

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