10 Remedies for Back Ache | Kenya Posts

Among elderly people and young ones,backaches are very common.Its a health problem that affect people in these age brackets.

Backache Symptoms.

1.Pain in the back
2.Pain around the hips
3.Problem with sleeping.
4.Body not flexible as usual.

What causes Backaches

There are several causes of back pain.These are
1.Muscle tension
2.Eating of unbalanced diet.
3.Lack of physical body exercise.
5.Bad sitting (posture)
Pain in the back can hinder you performing your daily activities as you do .Its very important to have treatment that is natural to relief the back pain.See below remedies for backache

Remedies for backache.

1. Ginger
Ginger root can be used to treat back ache.Its also used to stop vomiting.
How to use Ginger root  to treat Backache.

How to use Ginger root  to treat Backache.

  • Get ginger paste and  apply it where you feel the pain.
  • Apply Eucalyptus  oil after applying ginger paste.
  • Get atleast four pieces of fresh ginger root  and add atleast 1 cup of water then boil them for atleast 10 minutes
  • Let the content cool then Add some honey  and  drink.Do this atleast 2 times a day.
See aso:

2. Basil Leaves

Basil leaves can help you  to relief back pain.

How to User Basil Leaves to Treat Backache.

1.In one cup add atleast 8 leaves ,water and put the content to heat and boil till water evaporates by half.
2.Leave the content to cool and then add salt.
3.Drink this concoction daily.

3. Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds are perfect remedy for back pain.

How to use Poppy seeds to treat Backache

  1. Take 100gm of poppy and grind together.
  2. With a glass of milk,take 2 teaspoons daily

4. Herbal Oil

Back ache can be relieved by by massaging affected area with herbal oil.Muscles can be relaxed .
Types of herbal oil that can be used to do this are olive oil,coconut oil,almond oil,eucalyptus oil.
You just need to heat the oil till its warm and  massage the affected areas gently.

 5. Garlic

This is another cheap and easily available ingredient that can  be used to relieve back pain.
What you need to do is just to eat two cloves of garlic  daily on empty stomach.Also garlic oil can be used for massage.

How to Use Garlic oil to relieve pain

  1. First you need to make garlic oil.Heat coconut oil or sesame oil and add atleast 8 cloves of garlic.Fry them till brown and coo the at room temperature.
  2. Take the oil and massage it on the affected area.
Image Source:http://www.top10homeremedies.com/

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