Ladies:Top 10 Workouts for the Perfect Butt -Standing Lunges | Kenya Posts

Standing Lunges  exercise helps to harden buttocks ,hamstrings and thighs muscles.Its also helps in improving your balance  and burning all the fat in core body muscles.
How to Perform Standing Lunges
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How to Perform Standing Lunges

  1. Stand straight with toes pointed straight ahead with feet apart.
  2. Ensure you keep hands on the hips.
  3. Take a large  step forward with one of your leg(either right or left).
  4. Bend knees slowly until all your legs are at right angles.
  5. In this position,stay for at-least three seconds.
  6. After three seconds,step back to the starting position.
  7. At-least repeat this for 10 times with the right leg and then switch to left leg

While doing standing lunges,one can try backward lunges,gliding balance ,lateral lunges and multi-directional lunges with arms.This can also been done with dumbbells.
Check out the video below.

How to perform Standing Lunges

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